… highly unlikely that someone known to law enforcement for terrorism related offences would be able to acquire a … describing threats in intelligence assessments, Counter Terrorism Policing utilises the Probabilistic Yardstick. The …
… Extreme Right-Wing Terrorism (ERWT) describes those involved in Extreme … Extremists based overseas. … What is Extreme Right-Wing Terrorism? Extreme Right-Wing Terrorism (ERWT) describes those involved in Extreme …
… a look into the latest insights on the threat from Islamist Terrorism. … What is Islamist Terrorism? Islamist Terrorism 1  can be described as terrorist violence …
… the UK motivated by Left-Wing, Anarchist and Single-Issue Terrorism (LASIT) ideology is unlikely. Although Islamist … attacks is unclear, they all appear to have been treated as terrorism. Nevertheless, because of different legislation in the various jurisdictions, they may not all reach the terrorism threshold in the UK. Below are some recent …
… individuals face from Left-Wing, Anarchist and Single-Issue Terrorism (LASIT). … What is LASIT? Left-Wing, Anarchist and Single-Issue Terrorism (LASIT) encompasses a wide range of ideologies. It … that Incel-related activity in the UK remains below the terrorism threshold.   What is LASIT and what ideologies …
… Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) threats. … What is CBRN Terrorism? CBRN terrorism is the term used to describe the terrorist use (or … a variety of ways when inhaled, ingested or absorbed. CBRN terrorism does not include any state use of CBRN materials, …
… could be used for nefarious purposes, including terrorism.   How much illegal drone activity is there in the … data collected by the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START), between 2015 and 2019 there were at least …
… is likely    The main threats to national security are terrorism, espionage, cyber threats and the proliferation of … The national threat level for the UK from all forms of terrorism, including Islamist, extreme right-wing, LASIT and Northern Ireland are set by Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre (JTAC). The threat level for …
… describing threats in intelligence assessments, Counter Terrorism Policing utilises the Probabilistic Yardstick.  …
… government with a PALs delivery model undertaken by Counter Terrorism Policing and our partners. As a new and ambitious … to the problems we face. … At the National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO) we are passionate about … supports the work we do to keep the public safe from terrorism.  To support this, we are fully committed to …