ProtectUK publication date
Premises and events in the Enhanced Tier will be required to take steps to ensure preparedness for, and protection from, terrorist attacks. The Enhanced Tier will apply to public premises and events (that have express permission to enter) with a maximum capacity of 800+ persons.

Those responsible for an enhanced duty premises or qualifying public event must: 

  • notify the Regulator of their premise or event;
  • take ‘reasonably practicable’ measures that will reduce the risk of a terrorist attack occurring or physical harm being caused. The reasonably practicable test is utilised in other regulatory regimes e.g. Health and Safety, and will enable organisations to tailor their approach to the nature of the premises, and their activities and resources; 
  • keep and maintain a security document, aided by an assessment of the terrorism risk, which must also be provided to the Regulator; and
  • if the responsible person is a body corporate, they must appoint an individual as the Designated Senior Individual for the premise or event. 

If Enhanced Tier premises and qualifying public events do not comply with these requirements, the Regulator can issue compliance notices, and should non-compliance continue will be able to issue a maximum fixed penalty of the higher of £18 million or 5 per cent of worldwide revenue. 

Enhanced Tier
Martyn's Law
Protect Duty