The primary role of Counter Terrorism Security Advisors (CTSAs) is to provide help, advice and guidance on all aspects of counter terrorism protective security to specified industry sectors. In addition, CTSAs are responsible for the provision of protective security advice to Publicly Accessible Locations (areas where there may be large crowds who…
The Outdoor Education Advisers’ Panel (OEAP) is the lead body for guidance, advice and training related to outdoor learning and educational visits in England and Wales. We support our members (currently numbering around 120) in their work with schools, colleges and services to children and young people.
NPSA, in collaboration with ACT, is proud to announce the publication of Recognising Terrorist Threats a guide for the security professional.
1. Introduction

Managing the risk of terrorism is only one part of a manager’s responsibility when preparing contingency plans. Such plans may be in response to an incident or event, either within or near their premises, which may inadvertently…

This section describes the core underlying principles of NPSA's protective security methodology. This methodology defines a holistic approach to the protection of your most important or sensitive assets - as protective security measures can only be truly effective if the physical, personnel and cyber elements are considered complementary to…
NPSA works with partners to identify risks and vulnerabilities to the UK’s national infrastructure, and to offer advice to reduce them.
Guidance on how to develop a security strategy for your organisation.