See, Check and Notify (SCaN) is a free training programme that aims to help organisations, venues and events maximise safety and security using their existing resources.
Doors form an essential part of physical security and it’s important to have doors and windows that are as secure as possible.
Effective physical security of an asset is achieved by multi-layering different measures. The concept is based on the principle that the security of an asset is not significantly reduced with the loss of any single layer. Each layer of security may be comprised of different elements of interdependent systems.
The use of vehicles as a weapon remains a realistic possibility, amongst other forms of attack covered later in this section. Vehicles are widely available and easy to use with devastating effect. Consequently, driving a vehicle into a queue or crowd is a low complexity attack that is easy to initiate.
If you are alerted to a firearms or weapons attack, stay calm, RUN or HIDE, only when it is safe TELL the police
Personnel and People Security comprises an integrated set of policies, procedures, interventions and effects which seek to enhance an organisation or site's protective security.
Please note that premises used for counting ballot papers may well be used for other purposes until shortly before counting commences. It is imperative therefore, that a thorough search be made as near as possible to the arrival of the first ballot box. Particular attention must be paid to the storage and delivery areas for ballot boxes, exits and…
The National Vehicle Threat Mitigation Unit (NVTMU) is staffed by subject matter experts in the methodology of Vehicle as a Weapon (VAW) attacks and the deployment and use of the National Barrier Asset (NBA).
This advice will provide advice to security managers of Publicly Accessible Locations following a change of the threat level to CRITICAL. There are a number of operational and tactical options to consider.
NPSA offer guidance to help practitioners determine the vehicle-borne threat, assess site strengths and vulnerabilities, and identify suitable options for HVM (Hostile Vehicle Mitigation).