… attacks can happen at any time with little to no warning. Analysis of data relating to terrorist attacks in Western … attacks can happen at any time with little to no warning. Analysis of data relating to nearly a decade (2012-2020) of … describing threats in intelligence assessments, Counter Terrorism Policing utilises the Probabilistic Yardstick.  …
… highly unlikely that someone known to law enforcement for terrorism related offences would be able to acquire a … or cause sustained disruption to daily life. Continued joint work from public firearms groups and law enforcement … is a tool created by the Professional Head of Intelligence Analysis (PHIA), in the UK government, to standardise the …
… Extreme Right-Wing Terrorism (ERWT) describes those involved in Extreme … Wycombe carried out an attack using fire on an immigration centre in Dover. Two members of staff at the centre received … is a tool created by the Professional Head of Intelligence Analysis (PHIA), in the UK government, to standardise the …
… the UK motivated by Left-Wing, Anarchist and Single-Issue Terrorism (LASIT) ideology is unlikely. Although Islamist … a crowd of worshippers outside the Finsbury Park Islamic Centre in London. A Muslim male, who had been taken ill and … is a tool created by the Professional Head of Intelligence Analysis (PHIA), in the UK government, to standardise the …
… a look into the latest insights on the threat from Islamist Terrorism. … What is Islamist Terrorism? Islamist Terrorism 1  can be described … is a tool created by the Professional Head of Intelligence Analysis (PHIA), in the UK government, to standardise the …
… individuals face from Left-Wing, Anarchist and Single-Issue Terrorism (LASIT). … What is LASIT? Left-Wing, Anarchist and Single-Issue Terrorism (LASIT) encompasses a wide range of ideologies. It … is a tool created by the Professional Head of Intelligence Analysis (PHIA), in the UK government, to standardise the …
… Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) threats. … What is CBRN Terrorism? CBRN terrorism is the term used to describe the terrorist use (or … a variety of ways when inhaled, ingested or absorbed. CBRN terrorism does not include any state use of CBRN materials, …
… is likely    The main threats to national security are terrorism, espionage, cyber threats and the proliferation of … extreme right-wing, LASIT and Northern Ireland are set by Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre (JTAC). The threat level for Northern …
… Rowe Dr Jamie Harding … This research took place before the Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure (CPNI) … Introduction In the UK, public-facing products and counter-terrorism vigilance campaigns (VC hereafter) have grown … study adopted a mixed-methods approach with four Units of Analysis (UoA) explored encompassing: existing quantitative …
… could be used for nefarious purposes, including terrorism.   How much illegal drone activity is there in the … data collected by the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START), between 2015 … is a tool created by the Professional Head of Intelligence Analysis (PHIA), in the UK government, to standardise the …