ProtectUK publication date
Teacher guidance and lesson plans Key stages 3 and 4

Teacher guidance notes: RUN HIDE TELL lesson plans

While the chances of being caught up in a knife or gun attack are rare, it is important that young people are prepared and know how to protect themselves if the need arises. The National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO) provides guidance on three key steps for keeping safe in the event of a knife or gun attack. The advice is, if caught up in an incident to RUN to safety, HIDE if you can’t, and TELL the police when you’re safe – guidance which can be applied to many places and situations.

We know from case studies and testimony of people who have survived attacks that, if followed, this advice can save lives. However, it is crucial that this message is conveyed to young people in a way that is sensitive and not alarmist. To support you to teach these messages safely and confidently, this lesson pack has been produced for NaCTSO and the Department for Education (DfE) by the PSHE Association, to form part of the ACT for YOUTH campaign to inform 11-16 year olds of how best to react to a knife or gun attack.

These lessons should not be a ‘one off’, or delivered in the immediate aftermath of a knife or gun attack, as this is likely to raise feelings of anxiety for young people rather than provide reassurance (the PSHE Association has published separate guidance on talking to children and young people in the event of a terrorist incident).
Instead, they should be taught within a planned series of lessons developing risk management and personal safety skills. Young people should feel able and confident to report suspicious behaviour or items, and to protect themselves in the unlikely event of being caught up in a knife or gun attack.


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ACT For Youth Run Hide Tell Lesson Plan  Teacher guidance and lesson plans Key stages 3 and 4 PDF

RUN HIDE TELL - School Teaching Guide video

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