… Welfare at Music and Other Events “At the National Counter Terrorism Security Office we are focused on keeping people … and organisations who support us on our mission to counter terrorism. Collaborative working continues to support our … that can help save lives” – Head of the National Counter Terrorism Security Office.   Introduction Terrorism is not …
… for people to be alert is more important than ever. Counter Terrorism Policing needs your help to share its winter … and report anything that doesn’t feel right. Whilst the terrorism threat level remains at ‘substantial’, which means … or terrorist intent. “With that in mind, our Counter Terrorism Units across the country are reviewing their …
… terror threat hasn’t gone away. The threat to the UK from terrorism is substantial, meaning an attack is likely.  The … builds on many years of award winning Action Counters Terrorism (ACT) campaigns.  The campaign aims to:  Make the … public aware of how we can all play our part in defeating terrorism Increase confidence in reporting something that …
… material? Or shares or creates content that glorifies terrorism?   have you noticed somebody promoting hateful … or heard something that could potentially be related to terrorism, trust your instincts and report it. Your actions … from the public help the police keep communities safe from terrorism. … …   What happens when I contact the police? …
… targets for terrorist activity.  That’s why Counter Terrorism Policing is collaborating with event organisers … feel right and helping keep everyone safe.   … Counter Terrorism Policing launches campaign to keep the public safe …
… Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) threats. … What is CBRN Terrorism? CBRN terrorism is the term used to describe the terrorist use (or … a variety of ways when inhaled, ingested or absorbed. CBRN terrorism does not include any state use of CBRN materials, …
… the government’s commitment to tackle Extreme Right-Wing terrorism and online radicalisation in all forms. It also … time it has been used in this way. Whilst Islamist-inspired terrorism continues to represent the greatest terrorist … threat to UK interests, the threat from Extreme-Right Wing Terrorism is growing and evolving, particularly through the …
… On Tuesday 2nd May, the Home Office published a draft Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill. The new draft law … for, and protected from, terrorist attacks. … The draft Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill sets out the …   Security Minister Tom Tugendhat said: “The threat from terrorism is enduring. In recent years, we have seen …
… could be used for nefarious purposes, including terrorism.   How much illegal drone activity is there in the … data collected by the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START), between 2015 and 2019 there were at least …
… and Creamfields this year, and as every year, we at Counter Terrorism Policing and ProtectUK, want live music fans to … to deliver vital safety advice to the public. … Counter Terrorism Policing and ProtectUK are working alongside music … 1’s Big Weekend, Wembley Arena, and many more. Counter Terrorism Policing and ProtectUK are encouraging live music …