… options available for search and screening. Specialist advice should be sought from the NPSA website, or your local … … full_html … full_html … full_html … basic_html … This advice will provide advice to security managers of Publicly Accessible Locations …
… Coordinators in their responsibilities to provide the best advice, guidance and deployments of HVM to support their …
If you are alerted to a firearms or weapons attack, stay calm, RUN or HIDE, only when it is safe TELL the police
… Most social media companies provide advice about online security. This includes guidance on how …
… The advice contained in this section is intended to assist … used in the electoral process. The section contains generic advice intended to encompass the security provisions for all … to Personal Security ), a good source of personal security advice is available at   The Threat An …
… until the following morning. Cyber Security Cyber security advice ‘Guidance for local authorities during the general …
… birds or animals. Odd smells or taste. For further advice please see: Recognise, Assess, React (RAR) for … until help arrives.    When should you use the REMOVE advice? If you think you have been deliberately or … attacked with a corrosive or acidic substance. For further advice download the Threat Recognition Guide … Screening …
… cause alarm Implement communication strategy that provides advice to staff around changes to planned events, deliveries …
The use of vehicles as a weapon remains a realistic possibility, amongst other forms of attack covered later in this section. Vehicles are widely available and easy to use with devastating effect. Consequently, driving a vehicle into a queue or crowd is a low complexity attack that is easy to initiate.