… This guidance aims to highlight the primary security concerns arising during the ingress and egress phases of venue …

ProtectUK publication date
… ProtectUK is sharing a safety and security video which has been created for candidates in the …

ProtectUK publication date
… This summer will see millions of people across the UK enjoying themselves at major …

ProtectUK publication date
… a recent Parliament order, the Terrorgram collective has now been proscribed as a terrorist organisation, making it a criminal offence to …

ProtectUK publication date
… New laws to make sure we are better prepared for, and protected from, terrorist attacks to be consulted on. This will ensure legislation is

ProtectUK publication date
… The Security Industry Authority (SIA) launches Action Counters Terrorism (ACT) Security e-Learning for …

ProtectUK publication date
… Communicating protective security measures can act as a free and highly effective layer of security, …

ProtectUK publication date
… Hizb ut-Tahrir has been proscribed as a terrorist organisation. Belonging to or inviting support for the …

ProtectUK publication date
… The NTIA Night Time Economy Summit 2024 is an event hosted in Greater Manchester on the 8th and 9th February. The …

ProtectUK publication date
… Counter Terrorism Policing’s winter campaign is more than halfway through and has already reached millions

ProtectUK publication date