Sign up to the webinars we host on ProtectUK.

Over time, we will continue to update the range of webinars that we offer, allowing you to get live or pre-recorded advice from authoritative voices within the industry. We encourage users to join to gain the best advice for helping you stay on top of the latest updates in counter terrorism and security. You must be registered to the ProtectUK platform in order to access webinars.


Before the webinar and account registration:



To be able to get the most out of ProtectUK, register today to get full access to the platform. Follow the steps below.

ProtectUK Sign up


You will then be requested to fill in the following details (see overleaf):

ProtectUK Sign up


ProtectUK Sign upProtectUK Registration


Register for your chosen webinar:

Find webinars under News & Views tab on the ProtectUK platform.

ProtectUK Webinars


Then navigate to the webinars section:

ProtectUK Webinars


A list of available webinars will then be listed, register to your desired webinar by clicking in to the webinar listing and following the below process.

ProtectUK Webinar Registration ProtectUK Webinar Registration


Next, you will receive an email confirming your registration, webinar information and the link to join.

Please note: You can ONLY join our webinars on a laptop and computers.


During the webinar

At the start time of the webinar, select the Join link.


You will then wait in the lobby until the organiser or presenter accepts your request to enter the webinar. Attendee’s audio, video, messaging and polling is turned off. You will be met by the following screen when accessing the webinar.

ProtectUK Webinar joining


The ProtectUK moderators control audience participation - Polls may be used during the webinar to engage with the audience.

The presenter may ask you to engage with the webinar through our chat function.

ProtectUK Webinar joining


Please engage accordingly and utilise the chat feature to get the best out of the webinar. We do not endorse or take responsibility for any personal views expressed by participants during the webinar. Please see ProtectUK’s T&C’s.


After the webinar

The ProtectUK moderator or organiser will share and publish the event if the webinar has been recorded.


Frequently asked questions

Who can schedule a webinar?

Anyone can request and schedule a webinar, subject to ProtectUK approval, see T&Cs. Please contact us and request a webinar here.

Who can register for a webinar?

By default anyone can register, but the IT admin can restrict registration to people in your organisation. You can also choose to restrict registration.

Which devices are supported?  

Currently, only laptops and computers.

Which browsers are most compatible?   

We recommend using Google Chrome for best performance.

Video problems: Why does Video keeps crashing or video quality is low

Please try an alternative internet browser. If you continue to have video problems please submit a ProtectUK support request.

Audio problems: Audio not working

Please try an alternative internet browser. If you continue to have audio problems please submit a ProtectUK support request.

Camera and microphone problems:

Please check your browser permissions and ensure your camera and microphone have been allowed to be accessed. Permissions can be amended in your browsers security settings.