… occasion. On Sunday, 7th May 2023, a special Coronation Concert will be staged and broadcast live at Windsor Castle …
… venue where crowds are likely to form, ranging from stadia, concert venues and exhibition centres through to nightclubs, …
… everyone can enjoy themselves. … If you’re heading to a concert or an event and think something isn’t right, you can … Suspicious items And if you’re an organiser of an event, concert or you’re just bringing a lot of people together, …
As world events take place, the need for people to be alert is more important than ever. Counter Terrorism Policing needs your help to share its winter campaign messages.
Communicating protective security measures can act as a free and highly effective layer of security, but will it scare or reassure your customers? Evidence suggests that it can provoke positive emotional and behavioural responses and deter potential hostiles. 
Earlier this week the National Counter Terrorism Security Office spent two days at the International Security Expo.

Over the two days the team heard from fantastic speakers with strong experience in the world of security, spoke directly to users of ProtectUK and gained feedback on the progress they have made since launching.
Understanding terrorist targeting is an essential part of our efforts to protect the public and prepare against the threats we face.

To further explore this area, NaCTSO commissioned Coventry University to investigate whether a prominent risk assessment framework, known by the acronym ‘EVIL DONE’, can be used to identify attractive…
Following a recent Parliament order, the Terrorgram collective has now been proscribed as a terrorist organisation, making it a criminal offence to belong to the group, or invite support for it.
PortSafe, a national brand of security and safety within commercial maritime, has shared a set of updated promotional materials. PortSafe is an anonymous process for reporting concerns within your port or port facility.