… is safe give first aid: www.citizenaid.or … Evacuation and Lockdown Procedures When considering evacuation and the … location be required?   If you are required to evacuate or lockdown the venue - use your judgement Stay calm. Assess … you, but don't let their indecision slow you down. If you lockdown, go to a safer area, secure all entrances and exits …
… for the arrival of police. Your options are to evacuate, lockdown the premises or where the threat is assessed as not …
… briefing mechanisms review evacuation, invacuation and lockdown procedures. Make sure there are plans for … of Run. Hide. Tell. understand evacuation, invacuation and lockdown procedures search a site effectively apply the …
… business continuity planning checklist  RB3 - Ensure that lockdown procedures are known, tried and tested  RB4 - …