ProtectUK publication date
Martyn’s Law was included in the King’s Speech on 17 July as part of the programme of legislation the Government intends to pursue in the forthcoming Parliamentary session. The draft provisions in the Bill are not yet law and will change.

Until the Bill receives Royal Assent, there are plenty of things you can do to begin to develop a good security culture. A good security culture is about considering proportionate measures and activities, which, if done well, enhance the experience of visitors at public places, and do not impact on accessibility or personal freedoms. Achieving the right balance is about employing the right staff, getting training, systems, and processes right, and having appropriate guidance to know that you are doing the right things to achieve outcomes sought.   


Video Description Link
Martyn’s Law campaigner Figen Murray, Security Minister Tom Tugendhat and Head of CTP Matt Jukes set out why this legislation is necessary and the importance of protective security. Watch here
Security industry professionals give their top tips for securing your business. Watch here
The Director of Security and Resilience at Landsec, sets out good security practice in aggregated public spaces Watch here
Theatre Directors set out the measures they put in place to protect their premises. Watch here
Festival organisers explain the steps they take to secure temporary events. Watch here
The group Director of Security and Safety at Edwardian Hotels London sets out how to implement good security practice at private locations which are open to the public. Watch here
A Business Continuity Manager from a national retail chain explains the measures their stores put in place. Watch here
Good housekeeping
Martyn's Law